What Is The Diffrence Between a “Yandere” and a “Yangire”



Yanderes are extremely popular these last few months due partially to the success of a game called “Yandere Simulator.” But people are forgetting one thing……yanderes aren’t the only “yans” in anime. There is actually another type of yandere called, a “yangire”

Now a lot of people has asked me, “what is the difrence between a “yandere” and a “yangire.” If you have watched enough anime, you would know at least one of the anime tropes called the yandere. I will first explain to you what are “yandere” and “yangire.

The word yandere is made up of two characters. “Yan” ,which means crazy or psychotic, and “dere” which means love. In literal translation it means psychotic love.

Moving on…..


Yuuno Gasai


Sonozaki Mion




A yandere is a male or female character that has very psychotic personalities and has really caring and loving, looks really nice and kind on a surface level, but they will turn into an absolute crazy psychopath due to a strong level of possessiveness that they have towards the person that they love. It goes something like this,

“Senpai won’t notice me, so I’ll kill all the other girls in the school so that i’m the only girl he’ll notice me.”

Yeah that’s creepy. But I’m sure most of you know that definition, but many of you don’t know the meaning of the other “yan” known as yangire.



Rena Ryuuga



            What exactly is a yangire? Well a yangire is kind of like a yandere. In other words they start off as kind, loving and cute……but they will turn into a crazy phycopath not from possessiveness, but for……no apparent reason.

            Yangires are known to just snap and turn psycho because maybe you said something to piss him/her off.


Just look at this face. Its soooooo cutee.

Rena cute.jpg


You would never expect her to be this person below….





Now that you know the difference between a “yandere and a “yangire I propose to you this question.

If there is a yandere and a yangire standing in front of you, who would you go out with?

Most people would say yandere because he/she actually loves me and although goes psychotic because of me…..she still loves me, whereas the yangire is just a crazy, two-faced, psychopath who doesn’t actually love me.

Well you’re forgetting something…….they’re both still psychopaths.

However psychotic they are most people would still lean towards the yandere rather than the yangire.


Now if you guys love yanderes or yangires or both then hey I’m not gonna judge you because me personally I love yanderes in anime, but normal girls in real life.

Anyway that’s it for now, sorry I haven’t been active so much. I had to study and have projects to do so……Janeh!












One thought on “What Is The Diffrence Between a “Yandere” and a “Yangire”

  1. Well, then what’s a yandegire? I’ve heard the term and know yandere/yangire, but what’s yandegire, do they just snap because for no reason and because of someone they love and feel possessive over?


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