5 Must Watch Anime of 2015

This year hundreds of new anime has come out, so its really hard to watch all of them. But now that the year is almost done, here are the 5 must watch anime for this year.BBB

  1. Blood Blockade Battlefront

Currently at: Finished Airing

Genre: Modern Fantasy, Fighting, Action, A touch of Romance

Plot Summary: Three years ago, a magical event occurred in New York City, connecting it to a dimension filled with demons, vampires, and eldritch abominations—and largely isolating it from the outside world.

Now, the city has become an interdimensional melting pot where humans and monsters live together and what was once supernatural has become the norm. However, with both humans and otherworldly denizens attempting to exploit the city and its population, it falls to the superhuman team known as “Libra” to maintain balance.


Why You Should Watch It: 

-First of all the animation is fantastic. The art style is just so fluid and so good to look at, your eyes will be begging for more. Probably one of the best animations this year in my opinion.

Animation 9/10

-Second, it has an amazing soundtrack! All the BGMs all fit in perfectly for the environment and for all the actions they do. (e.g. car chases, battle scenes, e.t.c.)

Soundtrack 8/10

-There is a very good story here. No spoilers, so I won’t talk much about it. Basically it’s not like you generic echi/harem anime with no plot.

Story 9/10


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3. Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Bladeworks Season 2

Genre: Fighting, Modern Fantasy, Romance

Non-Spoiler Plot Summary: This is the second season of an anime that follows seven mages paired with seven legendary heroes from across history all battling it out for the ultimate prize: the wish-granting holy grail.

The first season ended with our heroes Shiro and Rin at a low point both in their struggle to win the grail and in their deepening relationship. However, as the saying goes: “when things are at their lowest, there is no place to go but up”—unless of course you still have more to lose than you realized.

Why You Should Watch It: Many anime build tension by stacking the odds against the heroes—making it seem as if they have no way to win. Unlimited Blade Works does this, then tilts the scales even further against our heroes as soon as victory starts to seem possible. And just when it seems Shiro and Rin may overcome even those additional obstacles, the situation gets even worse. In this way, Unlimited Blade Works keeps you on the edge of your seat as you watch the two struggle on, rooting for them despite (or perhaps because of) the increasing dangers they face.

On top of that Unlimited Blade Works is, hands down, the best-looking anime of the season—and a strong contender for the best-looking of the past decade. The use of light and shadow both in and out of action scenes is simply stunning. The fluidity and quality of the animation is far beyond even most theatrical releases. Even if the story weren’t great, this one would be worth watching just for the art.



3. Plastic Memories

Genre: Sci-fi

Non-Spoiler Plot Summary: In the future, Androids with human thoughts and emotions are commonplace and are largely indistinguishable from humans. Yet, there is one major difference between humans and Androids: Androids break down and lose their memories after a mere nine years.

Plastic Memories is the story of the people tasked with recovering the Androids in their final days and facilitating some sort of closure between the Androids and their human loved ones.

Why You Should Watch It: While many A.I. related stories deal with machine uprisings, Plastic Memories presents a world where A.I. life lives happily alongside us as family members, co-workers, and friends. The series delves into the various possibilities of such a world—showing us people who truly love their Androids as people and find it impossibly difficult to part with them. It also goes one step beyond, exploring what it would mean to have an Android parent or child—and the emotional pain of being the one left behind.

The main characters of Plastic Memories find themselves intruding upon the end of life story after life story. Like a doctor caring for a terminal patient, the collection team must try to remain professional even as families are torn apart. Worse still, they must convince the human families of these Androids not only to give them up but to erase their personalities—effectively killing them—as well.

It is heartbreaking—though the series does its best to provide some light and comical moments outside of the collection of sub-plots to keep everything from becoming too depressing.




4. Charlotte

Genre: School and Super Power

Anime Summary: Amidst all the norms and casualness of his student life, Yuu Otosaka unexpectedly gains a peculiar power; he is suddenly able to possess people and control their movements. Surprisingly, the power he manifests is half-baked – he can only possess people within his sight and do so for ONLY FIVE SECONDS!!! But even though his unexpected power has its inconvenient limitations, he uses it to its utmost limit for his own gain. Climb the school ladder, transfer to a high-class school, gain the trust of the most popular girl in school – all of which he does with his power’s aid.

One day, he gets cornered by Nao Tomori, a girl who also has a unique half-baked power. She along with a few others coerces Yuu Otosaka to transfer to their school and reveals their vital undertaking. Thereafter, destiny starts to move for the power-holders.

Why it’s a Must-Watch: Before things get too intense, I would like let you know that Charlotte was made by the same people who are behind the well-known and celebrated anime series, Angel Beats and Clannad. With that said, I just couldn’t help but expect this one to be grand and as good as the two. Like you know, Angel Beats and Clannad are super popular “feels” roller coasters! With that much info, one can assume that there’s greatness with this title called Charlotte. Well, if not and everything fails, Charlotte isn’t really bad at all. Its premise is interesting and it just raises a flag that says it’s gonna be great. Let’s just wait and see!


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5. Gangsta

Genre: Action, Drama, and Seinen

Anime Summary: In a city as messy as pandemonium and as putrid as dirt, everything just seem to find its new lows every single day. Petty thieves and robbers roam around, mafia members and gangsters threaten each other, whores are widespread and cops are as corrupt as ever! But even though all kinds of bad elements linger around, there’s only as much bad stuff they can commit for everything has limitations.

Now enter – the Handymen! Nick and Worick are the two members of handymen, and they’re a duo to be feared! If there’s something to be done no matter how outrageous or low, they’ll do it! And as for the dirty jobs, their skills know no bounds. They one day are given a job by a cop they know, and unknown to them – it’s a job that will soon lead to the realization that there exist a job that’s more than they could handle.

Why it’s a Must-Watch: Seinen, seinen, seinen! Yes, Gangsta is legitimately a seinen anime show! Did you not just read the summary?! Based on that, you’d know that this one’s not for the immature and amateur anime watchers. Gangsta is gruesomely good, and I kinda sense that it’s gonna be more intense as it goes on. Maybe most of its parts are rated MATURE but, it’s really something seinen fans shouldn’t miss. And besides, most Japanese Animations are in one way or another, rated MATURE in their own ways. Gangsta just steps its game higher than the rest. And for you to know what I’m saying, just watch it! Its first episode does give off vibes that there’s a lot more intensity into it!




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Bonus Title. Prison School

Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, School, and Seinen

Anime Summary: For the first time in its own history, Hachimitsu Private Academy -an all-girls school- finally opens its door to the boys. Five (5) boys manage to enter the school’s premises but, as much to their happy thoughts – what they thought as a paradise school would soon be their hellish nightmare.

At first, awkwardness befell the five boys that entered the school. But, as soon as chance lurked their way, they unleashed their desires and started with their pervy plans. Unfortunately for them, an underground student council exists. That very student council shall soon make them realize that messing with girls is a grave sin and a very serious offense. Their hellish yet laughable experience at the prison school begins!

Why it’s a Must-Watch: There’s ecchi, there’s comedy, there’s seinen – oh, this is gonna be so much fun! As one of the most awaited show this season, Prison School looks like it’s going to bombard the upcoming months from its day of release with lots of laughs and pleasurable vibes. I may not have read the manga yet but, I’ve read from all sorts of social networking sites and forums that Prison School is the bomb. Its coming is just full of hype! Aside from that, the first episode says it all! It’s too funny and wacky that it shouldn’t really be missed. And did I ever say ecchi and fan-service? Lots of those await!

That’s all for now!





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